CAL OSHA’S Reduction of TICF Assessment for Non-Profits
The CAL/OSHA Targeted Inspection and Consultation Fund (TICF) is part of the workers’ compensation insurance reform legislation that mandates an assessment when an employers’ ExMOD is over 125%
The TICF assessment is processed annually as long as your ExMod is over 125%. The assessment is calculated based on your annual payroll. Once you ExMod drops below 125%, you are no longer subject to a TICF assessment.
CAL OSHA will consider reducing your TICF assessment if you are a non profit. They will require your audited tax statements showing the percentage of federal grant monies received and percentage of donations. You must fax this information to
510-286-7034. The TICF Unit will inform you directly if a reduction is granted. Note that the Labor Code levies a 25% late penalty on all unpaid assessments. Therefore you should pay the assessment until it is determined that the assessment could be lower. At that point, you can initiate the refund process.
Let us know if we can be of any assistance.
*For educational purposes only and not to be construed as legal advice